fr / en / es

Laura Martínez

French - English - Spanish

Certified (sworn) Translation
French - Spanish

About Me

I am a native Spanish speaker who has always been interested in languages and the different cultures around the globe. In 2008, I settled in France, where I live permanently.

Holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Jaume I University (Castellón, Spain), over the years I have completed my education with diverse training courses, improving my writing and translation skills. I also have an excellent command on CAT tools and experience on customer service.

In 2010, I got the DALF C2 (Diplôme approfondi de langue française), confirming my full adaptation to the language and culture of the French nation. In 2015, I completed a Master’s Degree on Translation and New Technologies (Translation of Software and Multimedia Products) from Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Language teaching has always been an important part of my life, as it is something directly related to my primary occupation. In 2011 I undertook a course to become a Spanish as a Foreign Language Teacher, and since January 2012 I teach and train adults in the private sector.


Here you will find a brief explanation of my services and rates. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Contact Me

If you'd like to receive a quote, please contact me.